Our Chapter Officers LeAndrew AlarconChapter President As chapter president, LeAndrew is responsible for leading his brothers and managing the operations of the chapter. Garrison KoleyVice President of Programming As vice president of programming, Gary is responsible for the planning and execution of the chapter’s events and functions. David SalasVice President of Finance As vice president of finance, David is responsible for managing the chapter’s budget and properly allocating financial resources. Dylon EvansonVice President of Member Development As vice president of member development, Dylon is responsible for managing the chapter’s membership experience. Vance FrazierVice President of Recruitment As vice president of recruitment, Vance is responsible for recruiting the best men on campus. Hunter CoxVice President of Communication As vice president of communication, Hunter is responsible for the chapter’s information, storytelling, and protecting the SigEp brand. Ryan QuinlivanChaplain As the chaplain, Ryan is responsible for holding all members accountable to the cardinal principles and standards of membership. Steven PooleChief of Staff The senior staff officer of service or command. Steven helps LeAndrew with other stressful tasks and priorities Jacob SabariVice President of Risk Management Risk Manager assists and implements chapter's safety risks and Risk Management programs Lamont ButlerSocial Chair The key to any chapter, and the mission of the social chair, it to make sure the brotherhood is always looking forward to something.